Legal Alerts Development of projects on land in the private property of the state or administrative-territorial units The interest in developing real estate projects on land on private property of the state…Domokos PartnersMarch 19, 2023
Legal Alerts Single-use plastic production: the burden on companies Government Ordinance no. 6/2021 on reducing the impact of certain plastic materials on the environment…Domokos PartnersFebruary 28, 2023
Legal Alerts PUZ is no longer required for developing renewable energy projects Our colleagues, Andreea Neagu and Theodor Tanase wrote an article in about the amendments…Domokos PartnersJanuary 14, 2023
Legal AlertsMedia appearances Comparative Legal Guide: Restructuring 2022’s country chapter for Romania Emeric Domokos and Andrei Harciu were the authors of the CEE Legal Matters Comparative Legal Guide: Restructuring 2022's country chapter…Domokos PartnersNovember 10, 2022
Legal Alerts „Reconsiderarea” unor elemente ale schemei de sprijin în domeniul energiei – impact asupra unor categorii de consumatori, cât și asupra producătorilor, furnizorilor și traderilor În data de 01.09.2022, în Monitorul Oficial al României nr. 864 s-a publicat Ordonanța de…Domokos PartnersSeptember 3, 2022
Legal Alerts Relevant amendments regarding Law no. 31/1990 On 26.07.2022, Law no. 265/2022 regarding the Trade Register and the amendment and completion of…Domokos PartnersAugust 8, 2022
Legal Alerts The stay of coordinating zonal urban plans. The impact on the real estate market in Bucharest On 26.02.2021 the Bucharest General Municipal Council adopted five decisions (together referred to as the…Domokos PartnersFebruary 5, 2021
Legal Alerts ANAF has started the operationalization of the Central Electronic Registry As per the provisions of Emergency Ordinance no. 111/2020, beginning 11 January 2021, the National…Domokos PartnersJanuary 11, 2021
Legal Alerts Postponement of the threshold’s increase for the reduced 5% VAT rate On 31.12.2020 the Government’s Emergency Ordinance no. 226/2020 on fiscal-budgetary measures and amending and supplementing…Domokos PartnersJanuary 6, 2021